Case Studies

Green H2 Energy Vector

H2 is a cost-efficient energy carrier. Its high energy density makes it an ideal fuel for vehicles, ships and industrial processes. H2 applications are expected to be commonplace by 2030 for residential and commercial sectors.

Using far-offshore wind power to generate GreenH2 has the potential of reducing global emissions to meet Net Zero targets by 2050. It is also expected to be a major driver for economic growth and job creation by 2030, as targeted by the UK government.

Powering Up – The PowerCab JIP

BPP-Cables, on behalf of BPP-TECH, managed the PowerCab Joint Industry Project (JIP) on behalf of four participating companies: BG Group; BP Exploration; DUCO (Technip) and Shell UK.

Scouring the Shallows

The disturbance to water flow patterns caused by seabed installations can result in localised erosion and, if left unchecked, this so-called scouring may threaten the integrity and stability of sub-sea foundations. With environmental concerns bringing ‘green’ energy sources such as tidal, wave and wind power increasingly into the energy mix, there is a pressing need to be able to accurately predict structure induced scour so that reliable and cost effective protection can be deployed.

Standing the Test of Time

The offshore industry has many over used words and phrases, which often camouflage technical complexity and the criticality of form and function. Control umbilicals have been required since the first offshore installation and they have, over the years, become complex and vital engineered components for offshore production.

Umbilical Structural and Installation Analysis

Subsea control and chemical injection umbilicals are becoming a major component in the development of new offshore oil fields. This is seen in the move, by an increasing number of oil and gas companies, towards the use of subsea production systems.

Cable Handling, Laying & Recovery

BPP-Cables have developed methodologies and software modules for carrying out cable handling, laying, and recovery analyses. These methodologies are collectively called CHARM. They can be used as an operation planning tool, or as a training facility enabling users to evaluate the effects of parametric changes in operational procedures.

Risk Management: Science or Art?

In one way or another the technical services that BPP-Cables offers are in the business of risk management. Will that cable still be operational in thirty five years, or what is the probability of a major incident occurring during the upcoming winter?

Umbilicals & Flexible Pipes: Buyer Beware

Since the earliest applications of flexible pipes and umbilicals in the offshore industry, BPP-Cables has been engaged in providing operators, contractors and manufacturers with specialist services for flexible pipes, including risers, and for helically armoured and steel tube umbilicals. These have included third party design verification, preparation of specifications and manufacturing plans, and carrying out or overseeing qualification testing and manufacturing plant inspections.

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